Friday, August 26, 2011

FLOWER PAINTING (Marigold Oil Painting)

I recently went to the Luscher Farm in Lake Oswego Oregon; it's a community garden and my fellow artist friend Wendy Dehart and I try to get there at least once in the summer to do some Plein Air work. The gardens are beautiful, full of wonderful flowers and veggies everywhere. Well, as usual I was in a state as to what to paint. Since I don't get outdoors often enough to paint I usually can't decide what to paint. It's a real dilemma for me and when I saw this bunch of Marigolds I instinctively felt they where calling to me, so my confusion was put to rest as I always love to paint flowers.

But, I think looking back at my experiences with Plein Air painting I have come to the conclusion it's not what I enjoy painting, or if I am to paint outdoors I want to hone in on a small area and not try to paint the vast expanse of the landscape. Any one out there who has the same problem? I think another problem I have with landscape painting is there are so many artist who do it so well and I want to some some how put a different concept to my work.

Mitchell Albala who's landscape painting book "Essential Concepts and Techniques for Plein Air and Studio Practice", recently posted an interview with Wolf Kahn,  whose landscapes are amazing because he has learned to paint the suggestion of the landscape without painting the detail. If the link doesn't work try .
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As usual I haven't posted in awhile. I took a break from the crow paintings/ collages and painted my favorite cup again...third time for this cup. Also attempted a small china cup. I have an English friend who when she comes to visit I always get out the china cup and a small china teas pot so she can enjoy her beloved tea. It's still a work in progress and needs some size adjustment, thus I won't post it until I feel I have gotten the proportions in scale.
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