Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Trio of Crows "IN COMING" (SOLD)

Last post for awhile.  I started out using the Cold Wax  and oil on this work but somewhere I scraped that idea and it became just a work done in oil paint. ...Size 16"x16"  Framed in black frame; price $300;shipping $15.00


When I am in an artistic slump I like to play around  working on small collages.  It sort of gets the painting juices flowing.  Working on them seem to help with a better understanding of composition.  I think my next direction might be to take some of them and work them up into a painting. They are all small about 6"x6".

Crow painted with Cold Wax and Oil Title "Last Light

Another attempt at the Cold Wax and Oil....Size 12"x12" on gessoed board; price $225. shipping $15.00 in USA

Oil and Cold wax Painting. Title " Curiosity"

I wish I could do more blog postings. It just seems like I never have enough time in the day.  I have had a  huge artistic challenge lately.  Just can't figure out what I really want to paint or in which medium.  I have done five paintings recently and they all became wipe outs. 

This piece is another attempt at using the Dorland Cold Wax and oils together.  Haven't figured out a title for it yet.  Size 12x12 on a gessoed board.
Price $225.00 shipping in USA $15.00