Friday, April 13, 2012

Oil Painting and Collage of a Gold Finch (SOLD)

Another small bird that comes to my feeder.  I believe they are Gold Finches.  Today I had an unexpected visitor.  Living in the Pacific Northwest we have Anna Humming birds that stay here all winter.  Today I saw a Rufus Humming Bird at the feeder.  Oh, so magnificent in the sun;  he flashed colors of orange copper and gold!  I have tried painting the Anna's, but feel I failed trying to capture the iridescent colors of the bird.  My husband suggested I glue sequins on the throat for the colors...not a  bad idea since my bird paintings are partly about collage.

I made an attempt to change my blogs color format, it still needs some tweeking, can't get the top to do what I want.   Probably will have to stay that way.  Sometimes with my finagling I send stuff into never-never land on the computer and can't find a way to retrieve it.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely addition to you birds collection. I like Gold Finches - they are very rare where I live.
    Your composition and colours are so delicate!
