Saturday, March 31, 2012

BlueBird...Western Scrub Jay "JAY IN THE IRIS" ( Oil and Collage)

"JAY AND IRIS" ($100.)
I can always hear when one of these birds come to the feeder.  I run and grab my camera hoping to capture one of them looking my way.  Such noisy creature which have so much to say and with very load and strong voices.   I wasn't sure what type of blue birds they are and finally discovered they are called Western Scrub Jays.  I also have Stellar Jays that come to the feeder, but those birds have a sort of crown of feathers on top of their head. 


  1. Such a beautiful painting! I love all these blues and greens , and that the bird colours are mirrored in the irises...

  2. Your blue painting looks fantastic, Jackie! Blue is one of my favorite colors and I love irises.

    Happy Spring!
    Gaby xox
