Friday, June 3, 2011


Title "Rain Rain Go Away $100.

Title "It's A sideways Rainy Day $100.

         Title"Night Rain Bird"  $125.

We have had such a wet winter and spring that my thoughts are dull and dreary along with the birds who live outside in this weather all the time.  I like to work from photos I have taken of crows. They really are a very difficult bird to photograph because as I get just slightly close to them they fly away.  I guess I should invest in a better Canon camera with a better telephotographic lens.  I also need one that takes better" in motion " pictures;  between the motion of the birds and also me trying to capture my twin grandsons in motion I get really frustrated.  I did these on 3/4" cradled boards in oil along with collaged sides.  Think I might like to do more in the series.  Question is....should I continue to work on this series...suggestions would be helpful.  All comments are welcome.


  1. I am not a big fan of crows, since we seem to have many that make quite a ruckus around our house. But I love your paintings and love how you have captured the rain. Seems to soften the persona of the crow. I think these are really nice paintings.

  2. You never cease to amaze me with your crow paintings - they have such an attitude & are so expressive. I think you may come back to this life as a crow!!! Great series!

  3. Your crow paintings are to die for!
    It’s strange how we find each other in this blogging world. I love your work and shall spend some time reading your blog to see what you are making...
