Saturday, April 16, 2011


I have a show being held at the Red Magnolia Salon here in Portland.  Maggie the owner has the most adorable location just a spit off Alberta St on 13th, in the Alberta Arts District here in Portland.   Please visit her website to see her hours and location....
She will have a  "Last Thursday Art Walk" for the month of April from 5:00-8:00, wine is served! Please stop in any time to see the salon and Maggie and her staffs and the services of the salon. 
This latest painting is an oil done on a 16"x 20" panel.  I really had a difficult time getting the colors of the painting accurate in the photo.  I still think the pink in the flowers is too intense.


  1. Wow! What an amazing handling of light and shadow. Those shadows on the wall are wonderfully detailed. I had to check those out close up! Love the details in cherry blossom flowers and branches, too.

  2. wonderful painting! i love how the shadows make it so graphic.

  3. Jackie, what a lovely painting...your values are amazing and no the pink is not too intense.

  4. Really superb—I agree the values are really good—you've got that 3-D thing going on again. Amazing combination of soft and hard lines—lovely. The pink may be more intense than it was in the photo but it's a great balance for the greens

    Best of luck with your show!

  5. I live in Portland, too, but I'm a writer, not an artist. Wish I had known about this before hand. Maybe next time. I truly like your work, and I agree. This is a great place to live and work.
