Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Sometime this winter we had this new bird show up at our feeders.  We had to look it up in our bird book as to what type of bird it was.  It's a Varigated Thrush, this is a male which has the darker bib going across his chest.  The female and junior birds have a much paler chest.  I really think it's interesting that the bird comes in complimentary colors.  This is another piece done in acrylic and collage that will be for sale at the Portland Oregon Home and Garden Show.

All the birds are for sale, I hope to set up an ETSY account, but they can also be purchased through my blog. All 8x8 inch birds are framed and cost $125, plus $15 for shipping in the USA. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a beautiful bird! I wish we had them here. Your use of colors on this painting is Wonderful. So glad he landed on your feeder so you could share his beauty with us.
