Sunday, December 30, 2007

Done..I think?? (SOLD)

I have had a terrible time lately trying to post new pictures on my blog. I have been very frustrated with the whole process. My poor husband has had to come to my screaming rescue every time. I think we have finally figured out what the problem is. I usually have the Internet up while I try and post. That seems to be the problem ...we think. So here is my last post for this painting. I think I might rework the top leaf, but probably I will put the painting away for awhile, then bring it out months from now which sometimes helps to see where it needs work. Sometimes I ask for comments to see which direction I should go with a painting;but I generally don't get any comments which is a disappointment because it really helps to get feed back ( good or bad ) on what other people see in my work. I am definitely going to continue doing the flowers series because from what I have seen in galleries most artist seem to do a series on one subject. I imagine it shows a consistency in an artists body of work.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

More Petals

I finally had time to work on the painting today, now that Thanksgiving is over. I took this picture before I decided to change the shape on the first leaf. But, I feel I still need to work on the shape some more. Hopefully tomorrow will have better results. I also haven't decided how much of the pink in the background that I want to bring down to the bottom.
Any comments on what to do in the background be would great!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I have started a new painting in the series of dried flowers. I thought I would try to post some of the attempts at this one as I go along.
Not sure if I will always remember to take a picture of each painting session but I will give it a try. It seems as though watching my own progress though a series of photographs of the painting sometimes helps me see where I might be going wrong or what needs to be rethought.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Autumn Flowers


This was my next attempt in the Flower Series I have started. Again, I am trying to get some movement in the Petals. I am working from a variety of flowers I have dried over the summer. I really need some comments left on my blog, so please feel free to give me your thoughts on this recent direction of paintings!

If you aren't able to leave a comment on the blog by clicking comments, please leave a comment at my email address,!

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Reaching for the Sun

Well, it has been a long time since I have posted any new work. I have recently felt the need to work larger and to start a series. Sometimes trying to decide which direction to go in painting can be an emotional one. This is my first attempt at a series of Flowers. I really enjoyed trying to capture the movement I saw in the petals.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Eggs on Red,

It's been awhile since my last post. I did a show last weekend in West Linn Oregon and was lucky and sold two paintings. That's always exciting to have someone liked your work enough to spend money on it.
Now, about this latest pastel, I seem to have difficulty photographing any of my art that has a lot of reds in it. The red parts in shadow always look too dark. I did a pastel of a bowl of cherries that I haven't posted because of the same problem. But I thought what the heck, post the eggs and see how they appear on my blog.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Three Plums #2,

Another painting using my set up with a still life box. I'm really happier with this one. I think it was more successful because I was really was able to see the different colors and values better. This attempt definelty makes me want to keep trying!
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Friday, August 3, 2007

From My Garden #1 ( SOLD )

I've been reading several other artists Blogs and decided I have relied too much sometimes on photo's I've taken. While they certainly are convenient and are my orginal photos I feel as though I really am not learning to see values well enough by trying to paint from them So, I've set up a still life box in my studio with lighting and hope to learn more about values. This is my first attempt with the still life box. I am going to number them as I go along and hopefully will see an improvement in my style. I'm trying to find "my voice" or painting style. So far I have been less then happy with my style of painting.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Distant Farm, (SOLD)

This pastel was done in a pastel class given by Gary Michael.
The painting was done on Wallis Paper, which is such a wonderful surface to work on.
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This collage recently won a First Place award at a local art show in the Portland area. The 'Thursday Painters" is a group of artist that get together to paint almost every Thursday . Sometimes we like to get away from each of our regular painting mediums and challenge ourselves. I like doing collages and assemblages, so I brought a box of assorted papers for us to "play " with. This was my challenge.

I'm happy to say this collage won another award, this time at the North Clackamas Art Guilds. It was choosen as the Best of Mixed Media.
I have recently been working in Pastels and preparing my own surface to work on. I use Gator Board that I coat with a combination of Gesso, acrylic medium or white glue and Pumice. It makes a great surface to work on because I can put down many layers of pastel without using any fixative.
I am thrilled to announce that this Pastel was recently honored with "Best of Show" at the juried Canby Oregon Arts Festival, a town near Portland OR.
This painting was done using water based oil paints by Winsor Newton. I bought them because I paint with a group of women every Thursday. We call ourselves the "Thursday Painters" , not very original, but that's who we are. Anyway, I figured using the water based oils would be easier to cart with me since I wouldn't need a solvent; and they would be less offensive to my fellow painters that don't work in oils. Well, I really am having a hard time using them. They just don't have the lovely buttery consistency of oils. They are very stiff in application, take longer to dry then traditional oil paint and the longer they sit out exposed to the air the more difficult to work with.