Sunday, December 30, 2007

Done..I think?? (SOLD)

I have had a terrible time lately trying to post new pictures on my blog. I have been very frustrated with the whole process. My poor husband has had to come to my screaming rescue every time. I think we have finally figured out what the problem is. I usually have the Internet up while I try and post. That seems to be the problem ...we think. So here is my last post for this painting. I think I might rework the top leaf, but probably I will put the painting away for awhile, then bring it out months from now which sometimes helps to see where it needs work. Sometimes I ask for comments to see which direction I should go with a painting;but I generally don't get any comments which is a disappointment because it really helps to get feed back ( good or bad ) on what other people see in my work. I am definitely going to continue doing the flowers series because from what I have seen in galleries most artist seem to do a series on one subject. I imagine it shows a consistency in an artists body of work.
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  1. Beautiful..absolutely beautiful.

  2. wow! sci-fi, extra-terrestrial, slightly wicked feel - these are NOT boring flowers!
